Phinias T. Barnum is infamously credited for spewing: "there's a sucker born every minute". Back in the 1800's, Barnum was a circus master who made a fortune by getting everyday folks to lay down hard earned money in response to fabulous and unsubstantiated claims about what they would (or would not) see when they got to peek behind the curtain. In every instance, the looker knew he'd been "had" but also in every instance, old P.T. put another dollar in his pocket. Did he care that the poor sucker was disappointed? Let's just say I don't think he dwelt on it very much on the way to the bank.
I thought of all this recently when I saw that a retailer was advertising a 100 year warranty on all of their products. I thought, wow, this company must have a lot of confidence in their stuff! Then I thought, no, They just have a lot of confidence in a marketing gimmick. After all, like the guy walking past the circus barker, who can resist clicking "place order" - this absolutely positively must be the very best belt money can buy and the crafty store owner laughs all the way to his on-line deposit account knowing that he'll never in a million years have to honor that hundred year warranty. We won't take the time here to state all of the obvious reasons why it's silly on so many levels but suffice it to say that it's just a different presentation of the proverbial snake oil pitch. Remember, a warranty is only as good as the company behind it and a company is only as good as it's customer service - not some wild claim.
What's our warranty? Glad you asked - it's on the website under "warranty and exchange" but here's the our promise: we stand behind and guarantee every belt, wallet and money clip we sell no matter the time frame and we'll always make it right. You have my word on it.
All the best,